Food for Thought
Recognizing the Warning Signs of Cumulative Stress and Burnout
Cumulative stress, also known as chronic cumulative stress, is like a slow-burning fire that intensifies over time. Unlike acute stress triggered by immediate threats, cumulative stress results from the gradual build-up of pressures, demands, and challenges. It often lurks beneath the surface, accumulating silently until it reaches a tipping point.
Working Smarter, Not Harder: Breaking the Burnout Cycle
In our fast-paced world, the pursuit of success often leads us to work tirelessly, pushing ourselves to the brink of burnout or routinely dancing with a debilitating degree of overwhelm. There has to be a better way - a way to approach work that emphasizes efficiency, self-care, and sustainable practices.
Tapping into the Strengths Within: How Counselling Can Empower Teens to Overcome Anxiety
Adolescence is a period of growth, transition, and change. However, for some teens, it can also be a time of anxiety and stress. Anxiety is a common mental health issue among teens, and it can manifest in different ways, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Here, we will explore some of the symptoms of teen anxiety, treatment options, and benefits of seeking counselling.
You are not weak, crazy or broken...
"If you're depressed or anxious, you're not weak and you're not crazy - you're a human being with unmet needs,"
Living a Full and Meaningful Life - Is Happiness Really the End Goal?
Learning how to sit with these various emotions can be challenging, especially when they are unwanted. But by shifting how we understand and relate to these emotions, we can be less affected by them.
5 Reasons You Are Exhausted and Are Becoming Avoidant - and They Don’t Include Being “Anti-Social” or a True Desire to Live Off the Grid
In our fast-paced world with 24/7 communication, hustle-culture and competitive social calendars, the pressure to show up all of the time seems endless. Patterns of co-dependency and people pleasing have become the norm for many. You may find you can rationalize the perpetuating patterns that leave you depleted. One or more of the following statements may resonate with you:
Communication. As Simple as “I” Statements?
We often think of effective communication as getting the other person to hear and understand what we are saying. But what if we reconceptualize the way we look at communication, especially in our most important relationships.