Counselling that moves you forward


We are more than just a team of therapists, we are a support system for every age and stage of life. With a group of skilled clinicians, each bringing their own unique background and style to the practice, we are here to help you find a therapist that feels like the right fit for you.

While some degree of stress and anxiety can at times be useful in propelling us forward or motivating us to get something done, sometimes it gets in the way, paralyzes us, or leaves us feeling stuck and overwhelmed. Counselling can support you in learning healthy boundaries, assertiveness and how to reconnect with your strengths that allow you to navigate life with ease and joy.

Individual Counselling

Relationships can be hard! Take advantage of counselling and ongoing support for partners in any stage of relationship. This may include laying a strong foundation in preparation for life together, communication challenges, transitioning to parenthood, stage of life adjustments, loss of intimacy or navigating through a "stuck" place and not knowing how to get to the other side in one piece.

Relationship Counselling

We don’t exist in isolation. Our families, and those we consider family, contribute significantly to our overall well-being just as we contribute to theirs. Family therapy can support improved communication, help navigate conflict or a difficult situation, and can enable family members to rebaseline, finding a healthy balance between autonomy, connectedness, trust and warmth.

Family Therapy

Imagine living a life you don’t need a break or crave escape from.

We are here to help you:

  • Navigate anxiety, grief, and overwhelm to find clarity and momentum.

  • Transition from feeling lost to experiencing confidence and clarity.

  • Heal from disconnection and build deep, meaningful connections.

  • Transform frustration and disillusionment into shared meaning and alignment.

A life you love, that nurtures you in return, is within reach. 

Not sure where to begin?

Send us a message. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.