Cumulative Stress, Burnout, and Fatigue

Cumulative stress can take a significant toll on even the strongest and most motivated individuals. When there are too many stressors over a period of time without sufficient relief, even small things can feel overwhelming.

If this resonates with you, it might be a good time to reach out.

Call to Book: 403.488.8912

Cumulative Stress, Burnout, and Caregiver Fatigue - Anxiety Counselling in Calgary

Recognizing the Symptoms of Burnout

Burnout develops gradually and can manifest in various ways. Recognizing the symptoms is the first step toward seeking help:

  • Chronic fatigue and exhaustion

  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping

  • Increased irritability and mood swings

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Decreased performance at work or in daily tasks

  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain, or digestive issues

  • Feelings of cynicism or detachment from work or personal life

  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed

  • Increased use of substances such as alcohol or drugs

  • Social withdrawal and isolation

  • Feelings of hopelessness or depression

Anxiety Counselling in Calgary

Understanding Different Types of Burnout

Burnout can stem from various sources and each type may require a unique approach to treatment. Here are some common types of burnout:

  • Occupational Burnout: Caused by prolonged work-related stress, high demands, and lack of support or recognition.

  • Caregiver Burnout: Resulting from the emotional and physical strain of caring for a loved one.

  • Parental Burnout: Stress and exhaustion related to parenting responsibilities and pressures.

  • Academic Burnout: Experienced by students facing continuous academic pressures and high expectations.

Other related conditions include anxiety, depression, and chronic stress.

Anxiety Counselling in Calgary

Evidence-Based Therapeutic Approaches

There are numerous evidence-based therapeutic approaches proven to provide relief and improve coping skills for burnout. Finding the approach that best fits your individual needs and preferences is key. Examples include:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

  • Relaxation and Stress Management Techniques

  • Career Counselling and Work-Life Balance Strategies

  • Mindset Coaching

Getting Started

  • Consultation Call

    Connect with our team to book an Initial Phone Consultation. This call is free to you, and is an opportunity to get a sense of your new therapist’s style, how it feels to talk to them, and to share with them what your hopes are from therapy to determine fit. As with all relationships, the fit between you and your therapist can make a world of difference in your comfort level and the progress you are able to make.

  • Initial Session

    In your initial session, you and your therapist will identify where you are at today, what challenges you are facing and where you are feeling stuck. Together, you will clarify your goals from therapy and will collaborate on the approach and plan to support you in healing, growing and achieving your desired outcome.

  • Progress and Healing

    You and your therapist will decide on a cadence that feels supportive and that you can integrate into your life in a way that feels accessible. If there is a day of the week and time that helps create ease, don’t hesitate to ask your therapist to schedule a series of sessions in advance. Having consistency and some frequency in the beginning can help you get traction and momentum toward feeling and seeing progress.

Not sure where to begin?

Send us a message. We are happy to help.

Our Therapists

Where you can find us

Located in the heart of Marda Loop in Calgary, our office offers a tranquil
space where you can feel take a breath and focus on you.